How to get involved?

Find what works best for you

There are many different ways for corporations to get involved and help support R.I.S.E.

Job Fairs

Choose to be part of one of our job fairs to help find employment for our members


Help to provide housing to those in need


Help to provide educational resources to our members


Help support our cause with your donation

Tech Immersion Program

This class is designed to give it’s students the skills that they will need to be productive employees in the modern technology-driven workplace. Students will be introduced to many new technologies and software that business use everyday, technology that employers expect potential employees know.

Register Here for the Tech Immersion Program

Justice Through Code

Justice Through Code (JTC), a partnership between the Tamer Center for Social Enterprise at Columbia Business School and the Center for Justice at Columbia University, is a free full-stack web development intensive and interpersonal skills course for formerly incarcerated or legal system-involved individuals.

Taught from September to February, the course teaches Python, Django, HTML, CSS, and MySQL. Professional skills topics include business communication, resume writing, interviewing skills, networking, and personal narrative development.

Students are expected to spend 20 hours per week on course content including 8 hours of live class sessions weekly.

Register Here for Justice Through Code